Saturday, October 20, 2007

Gossip hurts.

Gossip. Don't pass in on. guys aren't so bad at it. But girls are pros at it. If you mess up once people love to spread the word. And at last it always ends up badly. Cat fights aren't fun. And even when you think that you won, that other person is hurt. When you hear something about someone, even if you don't like that person you should always look to the positive side off life because if you just nod your head and agree then your making it worse. Just say something nice about them, or say ; maybe he/she is like that because of this.. That would be the better thing to do. Or just ask your friends to stop talking about and that it was just an accident. And if someone is gossiping about you just move on, forget about it. We're human, we make mistakes.And if you keep on spreading gossip, sure to you it might be fun.But do you like cutting people down to where they're like that the rest of their lives? who knows, they could end up being a push-over and throwing their life away just to serve someone. it's happened. But just don't pass the "germs" (gossip). After you pass it on, your hands are still dirty.

1 comment:

AuthorOfTomorrow216 said...

gossip does hurt!!! shant all you gossipers shant !!!! not maming anyone *cough* katlyn *cough*